Sunday, January 28, 2007

Understandig Rio street carnival 1

The street carnival are structured in groups named: block, cordon, band or rancho. . A Carnival Street Parade are created like this: a friend’s group, who lives togrether by some interest: neighbourhood, same wok place, leisure, etc.. had regular meetings to decide about the name, colors, and flag which were be used in the parade. They who had design skills made the flag and dressings, those who knew music compose a carnival theme and together went by the streets singing, dancing, flirting and inviting people to join them, in their gayness and happiness.

Each year in the days before the carnival period the group make a new T-shirt to sell to obtain some funds for the parade. Also to acquire funds for the parade some groups organize musical meetings open to the pubic: parties, balls or even trials. All these events before the parade constitute the Precarnival period which begins in the first days of January until the carnival Saturday. Some groups make there parades in the period comprised the Ash Wednesday to Sunday after carnival. This period is knowned as Postcarnival.

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